In May 1976 the inaugural meeting of the NBBOA was held in Moncton with approximately forty building officials from across the province in attendance. All those attending were in unanimous accord with the organizing of a provincial association. Mr. A. R. Ellis, a building official from Saint John, was elected as the founding president at this meeting.
From 1976 to 1979, several meetings of the Executive Committee were held to establish the framework of the Association, its objectives and goals and to adopt a constitution. In 1979 the Association became incorporated.
Over the years, the Association has presented several education courses and seminars on building code regulations, building products and building methods. In 1993, the development of a Certification Program for NBBOA members was undertaken.
Today the Association is thriving with approximately 125 members actively participating in the training program leading to certification.
The NBBOA remains committed to excellence in following the aims and objectives of its founding members and to promoting and encouraging a high standard of inspection services.