2019 Bursary Application Form

2019 Maintenance Course & Conference Registration Forms Now Available!
février 11, 2019
CCMC Technical Bulletin/Bulletin Technique Du CCMC
février 20, 2019

Is your child attending post-secondary education in the fall of 2019?
NBBOA members can apply for one of three available bursaries which include the Michael O’Neill memorial bursary of $1000, and two bursaries $500. To be eligible for the Michael O’Neill, the student must be enrolled in a construction-related field of studies (engineering, engineer technologist, plumbing, etc.) The deadline to submit applications will be March 22nd, 2019. The student must submit proof of enrolment to info@nbboa.ca before June 17, 2019 or the bursary will be forfeited.

Apply Now!

click on link for form

Bursary Form


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