Maintenance Points

Certification Maintenance Program

All members of the Association who have attained CBO and BCQO Level 1, 2 or 3 designations are required to maintain their certification by continuing professional development throughout their career. All certified members are required to maintain certification.


(a) The following classes of certification have been established by the association:

(i) New Brunswick Certified Building Official (NBCBO)

(ii) Building Code Qualified Official (BCQO)

(b) To be eligible for certification, a member must apply to the Certification Committee of the NBBOA in the required form, remit the requisite fees as established by the association, and have completed the applicable certification requirements.

(c) The administration of the association certification program is the responsibility of the Certification Committee. The requirements for this program- are outlined in the association’s Policy Manual which may be amended from time to time.

(d) All members of the association who have attained a certification designation are required to maintain their certification by continuing their professional development throughout their career. All certified members are required to maintain certification effective January 1, 2019 or from their most recent date of certification and shall:

(e) complete a building code change course every building code cycle;

(ii) complete 18 learning credits of continuing education and/or professional development credits approved by the association’s Certification Committee within a Three (3) year period; 3 credits of which must be formal building code training;

(iii) complete and submit the Annual Record Form as prescribed by the Certification Committee.

(iv) Where a certified member will not be completing building inspection, review, or enforcement duties for an extended period of time, the timeframe referred to in clause 3. (d)(ii), may be increased at the discretion of the Executive Committee upon receipt of written request.
(f) Certified members who fail to meet these requirements will be given nine (9) months to complete the required continuing education credits.

(g) Any previously certified member wishing to be reinstated as a building official is required to reapply for certification. The application will be reviewed by the Certification Committee. The Certification Committee will then forward their recommendations to the Executive Committee for final determination.